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The most importang places, attractions & sights in Germany for tourists

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

we want to visit Germany next week. We are arriving there with a car. We dont want to use public transportation, we want to visit everywhere with our car. We would like know which cities are most important to see and which places in those cities. And we would like to know the best places to take amazing photos. We are interested in general interesting places. Thank you very much.
Alexandra & Nino

Where are you coming from? It depends what country you from and whether you are willing to travel all around GerMany.

I personally like big cities such as Berlin or Hamburg. They are very international and offer many attraction and sightseeing. Berlin has many historical places, still a part of Berlin Wall and check points between the former East and West Germany. There are also many bars, museums, shopping places and so on.

Hamburg is very beautiful. If you like a city with a harbour then that is certainly the good place to go. Other big cities such as Frankfurt or Stuttgart offer many things too.

If you like countryside than I would go to places close to Austria or Switzerland. Black Forest is also one the top places to go.

Submitted by Gast (not verified) on Thu, 08/29/2013 - 13:35

I would visit the listed cities in following order. If you have more time you can visit some other cities on the way too.

Berlin would be my first destination. You can see many memorials, historical-famous places, bridges on Spree-river. And there are many typical Restaurants, Bars etc.

Hamburg is a harbor city with focus on entertainment.

My next destination would be Münster; a small and nice city.

Cologne is metropolitan city next to Rhein river.

Frankfurt am Main is another important business-city.

Stuttgart would be next destination.

Munich, the capital city of Bavaria is one of the most important cities in Germany and Europe.

After Munich if there is enough time, I would suggest Nuremberg because of its historical meaning and museums.

Submitted by Gast (not verified) on Thu, 08/29/2013 - 15:04

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