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Hier sind die beste arabische Filme aller Zeiten:

Aayesh - SAU - 2010 - Short - Abdullah Al-Eyaf
Adieu Meres - (Marokko) - 2007 - Drama - Mohamed Ismail
Al Nasser Salahaddin - (Ägypten) - 1963 - Action - Youssef Chahine
Al-Ard - (Ägypten) - 1969 - Drama - Youssef Chahine [Die Erde]
Al-boom - (Oman) - 2006 - Drama - Khaled Abdul Raheem Al-Zadjali
Al-irhab wal kabab - (Ägypten) - 1993 - Comedy - Sherif Arafa
Al-kompars - (Syrien) - 1993 - Comedy - Nabil Maleh
Al-makhdu'un - (Syrien) - 1972 - Drama - Tewfik Saleh
Al-risâlah - (Libya) - 1976 - Drama - Moustapha Akkad
Al-zawja al-thaniya - (Ägypten) - 1967 - Drama - Salah Abouseif
Ana alati tahmol azouhour ila qabriha - (Syrien) - 2006 - Drama - Hala Abdallah
Asef Ala Al Izaag - (Ägypten) - 2008 - Comedy - Khaled Mara'y
Bab el hadid - (Ägypten) - 1958 - Drama - Youssef Chahine
Bas ya Bahar - (Quwait) - 1971 - Drama - Khalid Al Siddiq
Beirut, I Love You (I Love You Not) - (Lebanon) - 2009 - Biography - Mounia Akl
Beyrouth Al Gharbiyya - (Lebanon) - 1998 - Drama - Ziad Doueiri
Bidaya wa Nihaya - (Ägypten) - 1960 - Drama - Salah Abouseif
Bint El-Harass - (Lebanon) - 1967 - Musical - Henry Barakat
Chronique des Années de Braise - (Algerien) - 1975 - Drama - Mohammed Lakhdar-Hamina
Death in Gaza - (Palestina/Filistin) - 2004 - Documentary - James Miller
Doaa al-Karawan - (Ägypten) - 1959 - Romance - Henry Barakat
El Gezira - (Ägypten) - 2007 - Biography - Sherif Arafa
El Kaala - (Algerien) - 1988 - Drama - Mohamed Chouikh
Freej - UAE - 2006 - Animation - Mohammed Saeed Harib
Frontiers of Dreams and Fears - (Palestina/Filistin) - 2001 - Documentary - Mai Masri
Ghazal Al Banat - (Ägypten) - 1949 - Musical - Anwar Wagdi
Indigènes - (Algerien) - 2006 - War - Rachid Bouchareb
Jani gal - (Kurdistan) - 2007 - Drama - Jamil Rostami
Kandisha - (Marokko) - 2008 - Horror - Jerome Cohen-Oliva
Kit Kat - (Ägypten) - 1991 - Drama - Daoud Abdel Sayed
La battaglia di Algeri - (Algerien) - 1966 - War - Gillo Pontecorvo
Lamma hikyit Maryam - (Lebanon) - 2001 - Drama - Assad Fouladkar
Layali ibn awa - (Syrien) - 1988 - Drama - Abdellatif Abdelhamid
Les yeux secs - (Marokko) - 2003 - Drama - Narjiss Nejjar
Lilly - (Ägypten) - 2001 - Short - Marwan Hamed
Lion of the Desert - (Libya) - 1981 - Biography - Moustapha Akkad (nicht Omar Mukhtar)
Losing Ahmad - (Quwait) - 2006 - Documentary - Abdullah Boushahri
Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet - (Palestina/Filistin) - 2002 - Documentary - Omar Al-Qattan
Omaret Yakobean - (Ägypten) - 2006 - Drama - Marwan Hamed
Paradise Now - (Palestina/Filistin) - 2005 - Drama - Hany Abu-Assad
Rassaelle Chafahyia - (Syrien) - 1993 - Drama - Abdellatif Abdelhamid
Safar Barlek - (Lebanon) - 1966 - Musical - Henry Barakat
Siraa Fil-Wadi - (Ägypten) - 1954 - Drama - Youssef Chahine
Soleil O - 1967 - Documentary - Med Hondo
Tears of Gaza - (Palestina/Filistin) - 2010 - Documentary - Vibeke Løkkeberg
The Message - (Libya) - 1976 - Biography - Moustapha Akkad
The Sons of Eilaboun - (Palestina/Filistin) - 2007 - Documentary - Hisham Zreiq
The Syrian Bride - (Syrien) - 2004 - Comedy - Eran Riklis
Tito - (Ägypten) - 2007 - Action - Tarek El'eryan
War, Love, God and Madness - (Irak/Kurdstan) - 2008 - Documentary - Mohamed Al Daradji

PS: Es sind nicht alle Kino Filme. Es sind nur top 50 "arabic movies". Ich werde später welche aus unseren Video Kasetten Archive einfügen.


Gespeichert von Gast (nicht überprüft) am So., 08. Januar 2012 - 04:06

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