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Wie gut kennst du Deutschland? Teste dich!
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Wenn ihr schon von Genozid und Armenien redet, dann vergisst bitte nicht zu erwähnen, was das ach so arme Volk vor 20 Jahren gemacht hat!
Die haben auf brutalste Art und Weise innerhalb von 2 Tagen über 600 Azerbaidschanische Menschen umgebracht, darunter sehr viele Kinder, Frauen und ältere Menschen. Stichwort "Hocali Massaker"
Wie grausam die dabei vorgegangen sind könnt ihr diesen Zitaten entnehmen:
"When I and Khachtur entered the house, our soldiers had nailed a 13-year-old Turkish child to the window. He was making much noise so Khachatur put mother's cut breast into his mouth. I skinned his chest and belly. Seven minutes later the child died. As I used to be a doctor I was humanist and didn't consider myself happy for what I had done to a 13-year-old Turkish child. But my soul was proud for taking 1 percent of vengeance of my nation. Then Khachatur cut the body into pieces and threw it to a dog of same origin with Turks. I did the same to three Turkish children in the evening. I did my duty as an Armenian patriot. Khachatur had sweated much. But I saw struggle of revenge and great humanism in his and other soldiers' eyes. The next day we went to the church to clear our souls from what done previous day. But we were able to clear Khojali from slops of 30 thousand people,"
Revival of our Souls, geschrieben von Zori Balayan, einem armenischen "Held"!
Das zum Thema Völkermord und Armenien!!